
The Many Adventures of Jude the Dude

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  1. Chelise

    This is so so so great! I've got to do this too!

    1. Shauna@shwinandshwin

      It's so easy! And a lot of fun for everyone!

  2. Teri Olson

    This is wonderful! Jude is very creative and looks like he loved every moment!

  3. Sabra at Sew a Straight Line

    This is so awesome!!! I need to do this with my boys. They'd love it. And I totally have that same fabric from my LA trip and I am so totally needing to copy you completely and make a shirt Love all of it!

    1. Shauna@shwinandshwin

      Yes! Isn't that fabric the best! I got it from the loft so I dug around for every possible scrap I could find and seriously barely had enough for this tee.

  4. jaimesews

    So fantastic. My 5yo almost 6 would love something like this!

    1. Shauna@shwinandshwin

      Yes! It's such and great (and clean) way to create with kids, it's so fun!

  5. Amy n Tasha

    My 2.5 year old is big on knowing other kids&#39; names right now and is sitting next to me as I&#39;m reading. He saw Jude in the first picture and had to know what &quot;that guy name&quot; is. Every time I scrolled down to a new picture, he said &quot;Hi Jude!&quot; And I love the super hero book :)<br />Amy

    1. Shauna@shwinandshwin

      Jude is the same and would love saying hi back 🙂

  6. Annika

    Awesome! That boy is a keeper 😉

  7. feelincrafty

    This s such a good idea! I&#39;ve been taking my blog pics with the kiddo on the while background for a while now and I want to do this too! 🙂

    1. Shauna@shwinandshwin

      Yes! I have thought about using some outtakes from past shoots and using them to make a surprise book, but creating with them and letting them act it out is fun too :)<br />

  8. Mary

    YOU. ARE. SO. COOL. Love it, Shauna! What a fun, fun project!!

  9. Sabrina

    so very clever &amp; what a keepsake. you can print extra copies for the grandparents!

    1. Shauna@shwinandshwin

      Yep I bet my parents will be asking for a copy 🙂

  10. Julie Morin

    This is so great, my own 6 year old daughter would love to do this (she likes to write and draw her own mini books)! Plus personalized books seem to be the most treasured!

  11. Deborah Devine

    As a former teacher, and teacher&#39;s coach… this is fabulous. You gave Jude the perfect reason to write, let him write to a specific audience, made his writing come alive, and most of all…it was fun. I just love it. <br />I must get a better camera, as taking pictures with a second generation Ipad just does not cut it. I would love to do this activity with my granddaughters.<br />Lastly..

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