My tween, turned teen jumped through the teen stage so fast I thought I better make her a Harmony dress before she grows out of the pattern. When I made her first one she was barely in the smallest size and now she is at the top of the range.

I made a few alterations to the Harmony, nothing major but I was working with such a fun fabric I wanted to showcase some of the beauty. For starters I did a gathered skirt so I could keep the shape more rectangular to include the border print. I should have added length to the skirt since she is so tall now, but I didn’t think about it until it was too late.

For the sleeve, I wanted more of a bell shape, but also a straight edge so I could use the border print again. To do this, I added length to the sleeve to start. Then I made straight cuts up the sleeve 1″ apart. I then spread the cuts out like a fan keeping the spacing even. Line the sleeve up with a straight edge and then cut the new sleeve piece. This is the basic slash and spread method which I like to use a lot to add fullness to a pattern.

I love the length and flare of the sleeve now. The rest of the pattern was sewn as instructed. I used a stretch crepe for this one and really loved the way it turned out. It was such a great way to use a border print.