Well I finally did it, I finished Penny’s quilt. It was only fair as Jude and Abbey both had their quilts and poor Penny was left out. (besides the quilt I made for her baby dolls) So the design I had been dreaming about for about a year (possibly longer) finally came a reality in the shape of this Hipster Cat Quilt.

I finally decided to make a home quilt with products I was already familiar with. I had seen a design online for a cat quilt and thought it would be perfect for my project. I gathered all the necessary supplies and got to work. The process was much easier than I had anticipated and the end result was even better than I could have hoped for. This quilt is now one of my favorite pieces in my home.
So I learned paper piecing, and foundation piecing and I had hopes I could use those skills for the cat quilt but, it seemed like it would be too much. So I kind of combined a few elements from all of the techniques and did freezer paper appliqué. (or so I am calling it) and you know it made the quilt come out exactly as I had hoped it would and it was SOOOO easy, like 6 hours from start to finish. And despite her sullen look in theses pictures Penny was over the moon excited about her quilt, she was just upset that I made her hold it for pictures because she wanted to go cuddle with it.
To make the hipster cat quilt you will need:
- 1 1/4 yard for background (for 44″X44″ quilt)
- 1 1/4 yard for backing (for 44″X44″ quilt)
- Crib size fusible batting (for 44″X44″ quilt)
- 3/4 yard for cat body
- 1/2 yard for glasses
- 1/4 yard for body and ears accent
- Scraps for bow tie and eyes and nose
- Freezer paper
- Spray starch
- Iron
Print and tape the pattern together. Then use freezer paper (shiny side down) to trace off all the pieces you will need.
- Head
- Ears
- Ear accents
- Glasses
- Bow tie
- Body
- Body accent
- Tail
- Eyes & Nose
Tip while tracing and cutting, the edges are not very curved or rounded since I initially planned on quilting it a little differently, I simply rounded the edges a bit while tracing them, it’s easy to do.
Then cut the pieces out so you have your pattern pieces. Note tracing the pattern this way will flip the finished design so it it a mirror image.
Then iron your pattern pieces shiny side down on to the wrong side of the fabric.
Then cut the fabric out around the pattern pieces leaving a good inch or so around the edge. You will trim this later but it’s easier to press if you leave a lot of extra.
Then simply fold up the fabric and press it, using the paper as your guide. Use spray starch to get a good press and ensure that it holds it’s shape, but don’t use so much that you soak the paper.
You will get to some areas where you need to cut slits in the fabric so you can fold it. Don’t cut all the way to the paper stop about 1/4″ from the edge of the paper so that when you turn it the cut doesn’t go to the edge.
Once it’s all pressed trim any hangover you have so that all the pressed edges only cover the paper.
Then remove the paper and give it a nice good press again.
For the triangle pieces and some corners, fold all the edges over and when you get the little tails hanging off…
Simply trim away what hangs over so you only have nicely finished edges.
Then place your pieces down on top of the background fabric. I place the background fabric down over the pattern so I can use it as my placement guide. Simply center the cat body with the fabric, the tail will be off to one side. Most of the cat is symmetrical so you will hardly notice the mirror image flip, however the tail and glasses won’t match up quite perfectly as they are flipped and that’s ok.
Pin everything in place to secure.
Then you will edge stitch all the pieces in place. Sew right along the edge, and be sure to catch every edge.
Then place the batting between the backing and the front piece and quilt the layers together.
I just did simple straight lines following the pattern on my backing fabric. You can get as fancy as you like. And by complete happy accident the lines matched up with the stripes in the bow tie, which is perfect and I am so happy that happened as it is sure to never happen again.
Then add the binding along the edge and you are done. I rounded the corner and bound it with simple bias tape so it was quick and easy.
You could easily add the cat to a larger size background to make a larger quilt, I keep mine lap blanket size so I don’t get bored, I get bored easily 🙂 and since these have all been for my kids they are the perfect size.

beverley Baggett
This quilt is absolutely just the cutest quilt ever!! What website did you get the ideas for the darth vadar? I thought I saw it on here the other day but now I cannot find it. I would like to make one but I wanted to make it bigger. I also wanted to see if they have a yoda that I could see in those perler beads so I could try one of those too. I just LOVE your Darth Vadar and snowman one too. It was a very clever idea to look at the pages with beads. very smart!!
Thanks! For the Darth Vader Quilt I traced his the helmet from a notebook my son has and then I scanned it into the computer. I blew it up and placed a grid over the top and smoothed out the lines so they worked with a grid. For the shadow lines which didn’t line up well with the grid I added as an appliqué since that seemed easiest. So sadly I don’t have a website to point you to, I am sure a search online would provide you with some ideas.
I love this quilt! You did a great job.
I LOVE your cat quilt. I don’t know what it is, but I’m going through a cat season in my life. I don’t own cats, never have because I’m allergic to them and so were my kids when they were little. I had barn cats growing up on a farm…there are just SO many cute cat things out there..found the cutest fabric too…one piece has cats and the coordinate has mice. Cute! And now I have a set of cat designs for machine embroidery and I got another cat applique pattern from Lunch Box Quilts. Like I said…it must be a season…but I’m gonna make this one, probably bigger just because….thanks for sharing!
I know what you mean, I don’t really care for cats myself, but my kids love them, and my youngest is obsessed. I have to admit when I see tee shirts or other clothes with cats I can’t help but buy them, even though I am not a fan there is just something cute about them.
This is so cute, I can hardly stand it!! Wow!! Thanks for sharing!
I’m dying. This is way too cute. No hipster in my Queen West Toronto hood looks this good!
Ha ha! I actually don’t know any “hipsters” that are this cute either 🙂
joanna jenkins
Oooooh this is the cutest cat quilt EVER! Thanks a million for the pattern. I know a little girl– who wears glasses– that will LOVE this.
The Thimblemouse
MeOwZa!!!!!! That is just without a doubt….A.D.O.R.A.B.L.E!!!! I want to stay up all night (along with my many felines of course)and make this! TOO CUTE!
Nikki Moshier
I love this quilt. I found your pattern from wowilikethat.com, in case you are wondering. I have pinned a few of your quilts so I don’t lose your blog.
Thank you, thank you!!! I just found the perfect quilt to hang in my guest room.My cat thinks it’s his room anyway.
beverley Baggett
Oh this is sooo cute!!!!
Judy v
So cute, will make for a Quilts for Kids project. Also, might have to make one for my kitty sitter, she is 11. J
Julie Clarke
I love this quilt and want to make it straight away for a new baby that arrives soon.
Am I missing where the templates are? Do you have some I could copy as drawing is not my strong point
I hope you can help and its just that I am not seeing them
The pattern is free to download, just click on the words “Hipster Cat Quilt Pattern” right where it tells you what you need, it takes you to craftsy where you download the pattern.
Julie Clarke
thanks for getting back to me so quickly
I can see the instructions and requirements but I cant see the templates for the shapes – am I just not looking properly
You just have to click on the text that reads “Hipster Cat Quilt Pattern” it is a link that will take you to the download page.
Julie Clarke
I am so sorry i just cant find it – could you send me a link to the template page?
Moya Eaton-Bray
I too am having problems downloading the pattern. Like the above I would like the templates sent to me also. My niece just love cats and is due next month.
Appreciated Moya
Julie Clarke
thank you i found it eventually. I clicked on the link you asked me to and it took me to Craftsy I had to download the pattern in to my account and then go back in to it to find the templates.
I can get going now I hope I do as good a job as you did
Thanks for your patience
Yes I host all of my free patterns through Craftsy so they can be downloaded there.
Moya Eaton-Bray
Thank you for the pattern. I typed in Craftsy Hipster Cat Download and I got it straightaway.
Hi Shauna, I really like this quilt design and I want to use it for my assignment for textiles but I don’t know where it is. Could you tell me how to download this pattern?
Click on the linked text that says “Hiptster Cat Quilt Pattern” right under “what you need” With the list of supplies. That directs you to Craftsy where keep my free patterns. If you are not a member yet, go ahead and sign up its totally free to join and then you can download the pattern and it keeps it for you in your account so you always have access. Along with any other patterns.
I love the cat my mom has 8 inside cats and she would love tbis. She has one cat that opens up an empty kitchen cabinet and hides in there so your design portrays her. Thank you so much
I have some people who would like me to make this for them. I would charge them.
Do you allow completed items from your pattern to be sold? Thank you.
You can sell anything you make 🙂
I had someone ask me to make them one, (though I bet they won’t follow through after my estimate) – thanks for letting us share your pattern with the world. If it does come through I’ll be sure to credit you for the design/pattern!
Hi, Sorry to ask you something again. But is the ‘Freezer Paper’ washable?
Thanks, Elaine.
It is not washable, you remove it before adding the pieces to the quilt so it’s not part of the quilt.
Hi Shauna,
I can’t find freezer paper, is there an alternative? Thankyou.
I don’t know of a product that works quite like freezer paper but you can find it online here: http://www.amazon.com/Reynolds-Freezer-Paper-75-Sq/dp/B000BZYCNK/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1427859825&sr=8-3&keywords=freezer+paper
Carole s
This is just so stinking cute. I found your site from a Pinterest link this morning. Thank you so much for creating this and sharing it. I ran out and got fabric for two quilts for two little girls, one of whom was born this morning! I’m sure they’ll love them!
Deborah Schmid
Love the Cat Quilt. I don’t seem to be able to find the templates.
Click on the linked text that says “Hiptster Cat Quilt Pattern” right under “what you need” With the list of supplies. That directs you to Craftsy where keep my free patterns. If you are not a member yet, go ahead and sign up its totally free to join and then you can download the pattern and it keeps it for you in your account so you always have access. Along with any other patterns.
that is adorable!! Thanks for sharing.
Absolutely darling and so original! I think you are a wonderful quilter!
Thank you so much for generously sharing this pattern! your instructions were so clear and helpful
It was SUPER quick to make and the results make everyone smile!
I posted photos and comments on craftsy and Have tried to be sure to credit you on any Facebook photos.
Arcata CA
I can’t even begin to tell you how much I love this! My glasses wearing, cat obsessed 5 year old is begging for me to make it. Thank you for posting the pattern! Do you recall what fabrics you used? I love the floral in the cat body. Thank you !
Sewing Shop
This is a really original quilt and so adorable! I also love the other quilts you made, but this is my favourite 🙂 Thanks for sharing this wonderful tutorial!
I posted a link to your post on my blog, you can see it here.
I bought 1/2 yard of fabric for the cat body and it is not even enough for the head. Is this a misprint? I love the pattern and can’t wait to get started on it.
Sorry, you may be right, I may have used 3/4 yard for the head and body. I will correct the measurement.
amazing! This quilt is so cute:)
Do you know the names of the fabric you used?
Thanks so much
I just love this cat quilt pattern!! Is it still being offered? I’m unable to open the pattern.
Thanks for sharing,
Try going to Craftsy and in the search tab type hipster cat quilt in patterns and it should pop right up!
i made it! It is so cute! Got a lot of hits on Facebook!
Wilma MacDonald
Love your pattern but am unable to get this free pattern from crafts. I have clicked on the suggested link, but does not come through. I do use craftsy a lot.
Any suggestions?
Allison CB
Very cute!!!
Wilma MacDonald
Evidently this pattern is no longer available on craftsy!
Thank you so much for this adorable pattern that was also very easy to create! Made this for a coworker’s baby shower and it was a huge hit!
(I would share a picture but can’t apply it to the comment section.)
I just saw this quilt in the Pet’s on Quilts show made by Baa’s Amazing Adventures and completely fell in love! Thank you very much for the pattern, my plan is to make it a mini, actually. I’ll send you a photo when I complete it if you like!
Love it. I made the Olaf quilt for my little ones for Christmas and they are begging for another one. Will have to do the cat one too!
This is adorable! I can’t locate the pattern though, could you please direct me to where I can find it? It will make a super sweet Christmas Kitty quilt! Thanks so much!
Jean Knudson
Love the hipster cat quilt pattern but can’t find the pattern. Please help.
Shelly Morgan
This is so cute that I can’t even handle it! I may have to make one. You are so freaking creative, I love it.
Sarah Whitmore
I love this quilt. but I live in Norfolk and ODU’s mascot is a lion. do you have any thoughts on how to make the cat a lion for a baby quilt?
I tried to download the cat quilt and unfortunately, I can’t get it to print. Can you help me get this printed? Thanks
I too am not a quilter but a good seamstress, so you website spoke to me! Thanks for the easy quilt patterns. It has solved a problem for me as I want to make quilts for my great grands! I’ll report on my progress after making the Hipster Cat Quilt!
Thank you for providing free quilt patterns. I belong to a quilt ministry group that sews charity quilts for children who will be placed into foster care. I get bored with sewing squares together and was happy to find your child-appealing patterns! I really appreciate, not only the patterns, but the precise instructions you provide. Thank you for your generosity. May you be richly blessed for doing so.
I went to the site to get the cat quilt and ordered the pattern after setting up an account. No indication how or when the PDF will come to me. I have not got it through email nor was there anything to download after it indicated the order was placed. Can you help me get this pattern as I have promised to make it for a Mother who has learned her baby needs to wear glasses and this is perfect for her daughter.
I was able to download the pattern after doing some more research. I look forward to making it!
Wilma MacDonald
Would love to have this Hipster Cat quilt pattern, but it doesn’t seem to be available on Craftsy . Where can one get this free pattern?
Wilma MacDonald
Would love to have this sweet Hipster Cat Pattern. However it doesn’t appear to be available, or am I missing something ?
Unable to find it on Craftsy, and when i get your website where it says it is free, I get directions but no templates.
I made this quilt for a friend as a (large) baby quilt. I quilted the background before adding the appliqué and used heat ‘n’ bond instead of the freezer paper. Love it!
I used this idea and made a shark appliqué over a jelly roll race background for another friend. So great! Such a great idea for an appliqué!
I love the cat quilt pattern. Do you have one for a dog?
Rhonda Crisp
Once again I can not find the templates to one of your patterns. This little kitty is so cute and I’d love to make this quilt but without the templates it is impossible. Can you tell me how to find the templates for this pattern? I absolutely love it.
Click on the link for the free pattern, and then add the pattern to your cart, you will need to checkout before and the download link will be emailed to you.
Cami Smith
HI there! I am in love with Hipster Cat!! I’ve made several by now. I have a friend requesting this quilt in a full size. I’ve tried printing it out larger on my computer, but it doesn’t work. I’m not computer savvy enough to figure it out. I took the pattern to a copy store but due to copyright issues, they wouldn’t attempt it. I understand that. Is there any way you could tell me how to print it out larger or figure out how to enlarge it for a full size quilt. I sure would appreciate it!
Thank you,
Donna Spencer
I made a full-size version of your Hipster Cat for my 30 something-year-old niece for Christmas. She loves it 🙂
Anita Dennis
Thank you so much for the free Hipster Cat Quilt
Pattern! It’s just so “stinking cute”!! My 5 year old granddaughter saw the picture on my iPhone and told me that she needed one!! I have downloaded the PDF & trying to find some freezer paper, seems like no one has any in the stores. But I will get some somewhere or I will just use steam-a-Seam to apply the appliqué! I will send you a picture when I get it finished. Thanks again for your creativity and talent and sharing your “gifts” with others to create!
Totally adorable! Thank you for the free pattern.
So Stinkin Cute! I plan on making this for a fundraiser for the local animal shelter, to help pay for vet bills! If you ever come up with a dog pattern, let us know! until then, Thank you so much for sharing!! Kim in Michigan
Just beautiful the Hipster Cat Quilt, I surely will try to do it, Thank you so much for sharing.
Super A+Dorable! I really want to make several to donate to local charities. The link does not work and pattern is not available on Craftsy. Can you please send it to me??
Bertha G
I would love to have this pattern! I did all that the website asked, it even sent me a link to the pattern, but it just goes to a death spiral of back to the website, then to the order site, and back to the website with the instructions. The pattern never shows up. I guess it could be that the original post is so old that it doesn’t work anymore, but it was included in an email I got today from All Free Sewing. Help!!
Cheryl King
Made this quilt. It is so cute and easy.
Just downloaded and printed the pattern. Cut it out and raw edge appliqués it on. Will quilt like the photo.
Thanks so much.
Terry Aretz
I want this quilt pattern so bad but I cannot get it to download and I have tried multiple times. Please help me with this – I will buy it if I have to no problem. Thanks so much!
Carol Burns
I’m wondering if this can be modified slightly to be a dog? I’m not artsy enough to try!
I love this little quilt! I first spotted it two or three years ago and put it on my ‘to do eventually list’. Well, this past week was ‘eventually’. Your tutorial was great and easy to follow. It was the first time I did applique of this size tho! I quilted it quite similar to yours, but I’m now thinking I may have to make another so the FMQ can go wild in all that white space. Thank you so much providing this pattern free and creating such an excellent tutorial.