Biscayne National Park Visited April 4, 2019
Biscayne National Park is not like our other park experiences in that we didn’t quite get to do well much of anything. Biscayne Bay is an underwater treasure. You can book a boat tour that takes you out to the underwater trails and places to snorkel. Kids are allowed but depending on how young your kids are it might be hard for them to snorkel. Our kids were basically pros at this point after out Virgin Islands trip so we were looking forward to this. Then we arrived at the park just after the last boat left for the day. (traffic is a beast in Miami) Still our share our tips.

Where we stayed
We stayed in Miami. My family all lives in Florida (although I did not grow up there) yet this was our first time in the Miami area. There are TONS of local hotels and places to stay, since we had kids we stayed just outside of the downtown area where it was a little quieter. This meant a LOT of driving to get to any of the places we were going but it was nice to go back to a quiet hotel. Just plan well for Miami traffic.
What we visited

Visitors Center
Yes, we missed the boat to anything cool, but the visitors center is also pretty neat. There is a lighthouse to see (you can’t go inside) The visitors center has tons of cool things kids can learn about the park. The views are pretty, and there is a bay where you can swim and play in the water. Which we did. Our kids even snorkeled a bit, but there was nothing much to see. The water is nice and calm and clear though. So even without the boat ride to see the actual park it wasn’t a total loss.

The Miami Area
Since we did stay in the Miami area to go to this park it should be noted there are MANY great things to do there. We went to Miami beach which was lovely. We took the kids to the Children’s Museum in Miami and it was amazing! Kids of all ages loved it, they had tons of fun exhibits including walk in art classes, science experiments, play sets, work out challenges, and more. It may have been one of the best Children’s Museums I have been to.