
Embellishing shoes

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  1. Sharon

    very clever, I would have never thought it. Just love it! Thanks for sharing!

  2. April

    Cute. I am loving grey right now. Especially for kids.

  3. linda

    these are really cute pair of kids <a href="; rel="nofollow">shoes</a>

  4. saffiertje

    CUTE!!!!! i think I have to do myself a pair! I love this type of mary jane shoes!!!!

  5. vero

    thank you very much for the Tutoral live in Uruguay and is great to learn from here, and can even make this a source of work.<br />  my daughter will stay beautiful one of your models thanks for sharing!<br /><br />use a translator to write apology for errors in writing<br />MUCHAS GRACIAS!!!!!!!DIOS TE BENDIGA!

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