sewing for girls This to That

This to That || Hi-Lo Tank

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  1. Christals Creations

    Oh if only I had the courage to do things like this. I love it. 🙂

    1. Shauna@shwinandshwin

      You can do it! It's really pretty easy, easier than making one from scratch most the work is already done 🙂

  2. Emily Thompson

    super cute! I am loving the gold leggings ;o) nice!!! I've remade a few tops as girls tunics… I love this! Emily

  3. Chiara Irene

    I wish I had a little girl just to try this! Lovely idea and super cute outfit<br />Irene xxx<br />

  4. Sarah Seufert

    AMAZING repurposed floral top in 5 quick steps . . . from woman&#39;s to a young girl&#39;s . . . VOILA! SO DARLING modeled with smiles by your daughter. especially worn with the gold leggings. Looks like your daughter has a UNIQUE outfit for spring. Certainly creative design &amp; sewing with lots of LOVE, Mom! THANKS for the tutorial. FAB photo shoot! Sarah in Minneapolis

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