Every now and then I get in the mood to make a quilt, I asked Jude, “If I made you a quilt what would you want it to be?” Expecting a color, or theme, or well any answer other than what I got. “Can you make a Darth Vader Quilt?” His request was simple, I can totally do that, they even make Darth Vader fabric. I could have sewn a few cut squares together with Darth Vader print and called it a day. But you know what? Sewing is much more magical than that, and quilting is like drawing with fabric. So I decided to design Darth Vader on to a quilt. I mapped it out, selected my fabrics and went for it. When I showed Jude the final product he said “Woah! That is so cool!” Then he stared at it for a few hours. Now he may have thought a quilt with Darth Vader fabric would have been just as cool, sure. But come on this is way cooler.

And I did use Darth Vader fabric for the backing… best of both worlds.
Overall I think it resulted in one happy boy, who has the perfect lap quilt for the cool weather days ahead. I did make the pattern to share, the quilt is about 44″X 40″ Finished, so a nice mini sized quilt. If you made the scale larger you could make it a larger quilt but I really don’t have much patience for quilting so mini quilts are right up my alley. As it is I usually find myself terribly bored mid quilt and move on to something else for awhile, but having a quilt project to work on is always nice.
And cute little mini quilts make great gifts, and hardly take up any room. So that’s a bonus.
So here is the basic pattern.
It is all made up of 2.75″X2.75″ squares. And then the details are appliquéd on, and I will show you that part of the pattern a little further down.
You will need:
1 1/4 yard for the backing
1 1/4 yard for the background (I used a black and white print)
1/2 yard each of two black prints for the face (I used a solid black and black and gray print)
1/4 yard gray for the eyes
about 4 yards of bias tape for the details. (I made my own from gray fabric)
Crib sized fusible batting. (fusible is HIGHLY recommended)
4″ wide bias strip (about 5 yards length needed) for binding. I used black fabric and cut my own.
Thread that matches
Rotary cutter and mat is highly recommended.
Start by cutting cutting cutting. You will need a LOT of squares. All cut 2.75″X2.75″ I know you will say but the pattern shows some triangles… yes I cheated, because I hate doing the math for getting the perfect triangle with seam allowance and then sewing on the bias always makes it a little wonky for me, so I didn’t cut any triangles.
When I got to a place that had an angle I simply folded my last square into a triangle.
And then I top stitched it on top of the full square it would be next to. If you would rather sew triangles together and be all real like that, go ahead.
There are two spots in the pattern where you angle between two rows, so not a neat triangle, I did the same thing, sewed the two rows together and then folded the edge to make my angle.
Then I top stitched that in place on two rows of the back ground. So you will just keep sewing squares, and rows, and squares and rows until you have the top done, minus all the detail work.
For the details, I had roughly sketched them out to give my an idea of look and placement (see pattern).
Then I ironed the batting, backing and top layer together. Seriously fusible batting, it’s amazing and then all the layers stay in place as you quilt and nothing gets all bumpy and wonky. I don’t think I will ever use another kind of batting… Next I started to place the details. I used bias tape that I made myself so some could be a little thicker and some a little thinner depending on the detail. I used my pattern grid to guide me as to the placement and I just pinned in place tucking raw edges under at the ends. Then I top stitched around all the edges and sewing through all the layers so it quilted it in the process.
Once the details were on I did some quilting by sewing around his face, and sewing up and down the rows of squares within his face. For the background I followed the design of the grid for the backing.
Then all that was left was to do the binding, I did it the same way as I did HERE.
There you be, A Darth Vader Quilt. Next up something for the girl… and her request was pretty chilling…

Jess Abbott
you are so cool. SO SO cool. And like, the best Mom ever. L-O-V-E.
I very much want to have a mostly homemade christmas this year. I now know one of the things my 5-year-old will be getting. Thank you so very much for the inspiration.
Kristin Call
ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?! My husband is going to DIE on Christmas morning from the amazing he is going to unwrap. I can’t believe this. Thank you for sharing the pattern! You ROCK! 🙂 🙂 🙂
Awesome! Thank you for the pattern! I have a niece that wants a Star Wars quilt for the new baby coming!
The link won’t open for pattern could you possibly email one?
Thank you so much! You rock!!! We are doing a homemade Christmas this year because we are young, poor and newly engaged… And this is PERFECT for my fiance- he is going to flip! Thanks for all your hard work on the tutorial!
Since exact measurements are difficult for me, what if I just used 3″ squares?
Yes you can, the quilt will just be larger.
loren elisa
WOOOOOOWWW, AWESOME, Thanks your for sharing the pattern
Wow, I love your quilt! Thank you for the inspiration and tutorial! I would have to make 2 of them for the fans in the house. 🙂
Thank you! I am really tempted to “give it a go”.
Thanks for the planning and photos. Unfortunately, the 1/2 yrd measurements for the black fabrics is not enough to complete the project using 2.75″ squares. I am going to have to buy another 1/4 yrd of both of those fabrics as well as more backing fabric to finish this really cute project. FYI.
Sorry you had issue with the fabric amounts. The finished quilt is 40″X44″ 1 1/4 yard should give you 44″X44″ of fabric which should be more than enough for the backing. The amounts given for the black fabric are the amounts I used as well. Sorry again that you found issues with the amounts.
I want to start this quilt ASAP . I just saw your comment and would like to know exactly how much fabric you did need to complete this quilt. Thanks
Also where can I find the blk and white layout , and how many of each color blocks do I cut out to complete the quilt?
I love your quilt idea. I’d like to try it, but I’ve never quilted before. What would you recommend? I’m assuming you used a sewing machine?
Yes I just use my normal sewing machine for all of it. It does get a little tricky when you are quilting the middle of the quilt but that is where using a fusible batting really helps everything sticks together even when it’s all scrunched up.
Nancy Burdick
I was able to get the rest of the fabric that I needed and I finished the quilt. It is awesome! Thanks for helping me attain the “coolest aunt” title !
Great! I would love to see it!
I am making this for my son in law. I think I will do 4″ squares since he is a full size guy! lol He is going to love it! I have Star Wars flannel for the back. Very anxious to put this together. Thank you for sharing!
Oh I hope you share a picture when you are done I would love to see it! (also when making the squares larger you may also want to make the details larger than narrow bias tape, not sure but I think it would need it)
Hi, I love this quilt. My oldest son and grandson are big star war fans. I am going out today to buy the fabric to make this for my grandson. One question, how wide did you make the detail gray? To me it looks about an 1″ wide.
I have never done anything like this before and would appreciate any help you could give me. Thanks
It varies a little, the pieces between the nose are a little thicker, and then the two strips coming straight down from the top of the helmet are a little thinner. The rest of the details are about an 1″ Hope that helps 🙂
mara oliveira
Ficou muito lindo, amei a ideia…
Oh my! Just perfect for my 8 year old grandson..Thanks for sharing Hope I
can do you proud
thanks for sharing this pattern. my son is going to think this is the coolest thing ever and I will be the bestest mom this Christmas when he unwraps it!
whatknotgirls at yahoo dot com
Kathy Staraj
How much would it cost for you to make it for me. My grandson really needs this and I don’t sew.
maria lourdes saragiotto
Thank you for sharing these project, I loved!
I intend to do that for my grandson Dudu.
Rachel Lepine
First off, Thank you so very much for sharing this. Second, I am curious to know if you have any suggestions about how I would go from your 44″x 40″ mini quilt to a 108″ x 96″ king size comforter using the same picture of Darth Vader. If you could help or give me any suggestions on how to go about it I would greatly appreciate it.
Connie J
My 5yr old would D I E! So cool!
Came here from the Sew, Mama, Sew blog, and I’m so glad I did! My husband came up with an idea of making a Transformers quilt for my son… your tutorial is excellent inspiration! If only I could use my sewing machine to stitch up some extra time for myself… 😉
Thank you so much. I have a grandson and son-in-law that are going to love this. Different families so will have to make 2. Can’t wait!
Lorraine folke
I have just completed the Darth Vader quilt as a Christmas gift for my 6 year old Grandson, Joshua. He will be so excited to receive this!
This is so cool! Absolutely love it, as will my little boy!
Lorraine folkes
I have made this quilt for my 6 year old grandson, for Christmas. It turned out really, really nice.
My son-in-law saw this and reminded me his birthday was in May.
Wow! Well… 3 Darth Vadors coming right up! Thanks for the pattern!
Debra Kay Neiman
Finished the Darth Vader quilt for son-in-law. Embroidered a panel at bottom also. Credit on flicker and facebook with link to your tutorial. Thanks. https://www.flickr.com/photos/105749630@N03/16332779036/
Great job! Love the extra panel you put on it.
This has been the hardest quilt I have made. Still not completely done it. It took forever for me to figure out the details. Still have some details to do, almost done. Doesn’t look the best as my corners don’t all line up but that is ok. Can’t wait to get it done and send out to my grandson. Hope he loves it as much as I have loved making it for him.
Have to say I don’t know if I will ever make one like this again, LOL
Finished up the quilt tonight!! YAY!! Not thrilled with parts, but love it otherwise. This quilt was definitely different than any I have made before. Can’t wait to see what my grandson thinks of it. Wish I could be there when he opens it.
Thank you for sharing this with us.
Lovely idea and pattern. Look forward to trying it. I think my grandson will love it thanks for sharing.
Anyone who made it, how long did it take? I have 2 weeks and usually 2015ours a week to do it or so.
It took me around 10 hours to complete over the course of about 5 days, I just did a little each day. I would say you can totally get it done in 2 weeks.
I really want to make this but the links don’t seem to be working 🙁 could you possibly send me the working links?
I have clicked on every link in your post-several times and none of them lead me to this pattern. Can you help? I would love to make this for my son. Thank you.
Can you remember how many squares you used? Or what cink or fabric the dack ground is/ where you got it? My son is 13 and still loves darth vader and his storm troopers! Yours looks great love it.
Pat Kibble
I have started this and enjoy every stitch, my squares are 3 inch finished. Will post a picture when I am done.
Wish I had seen this a while ago! I made my son-in-law a star wars quilt for Christmas, but this is so much cooler!
Are all fabric measurements based off of a 45″ width?
For the bias tape that you made for the face details, what width strip did you start with?
How much fabric did it require to make the 4 yards?
For the black bias strip around the quilt, how much fabric did you need to get the 5 yards?
Yes all the fabric is based on 45″ width, for the bias I used remade bias tape from the store so it is sold by the yard and I used 4 yards and 5 yards of that. Double fold extra wide.
Made this for my grandson using 3″ squares. He loved it! I would love to share a picture, but not sure how!
Tracy C Rousselle
How many squares of each color did you use?
Lucy DeMaris
I am having a difficult time logging in, can you restart me, I’ve tried resetting my password but my username or email come up as an error, I have ordered the Darth Vader quilt before and would like to get the new Star War quilt templates, just finding it too difficult.
I am going to make this for my husband for his birthday. I would like to make it a queen size quilt for our bed.
WIth the squares being 2.75″x2.75″ what are the dimensions of the Vader face?
Bingo!, just what I need to make for my 24 year old grandson, birthday was 4th Jan. Haven’t seen him yet as just started a new job and Certificate course in Horticulture. He won’t mind a late prezzie. Thank you so much. You girls sound just like my sister and I – when we were so much younger, we are now 66 and 72, but still sew and quilt together. Have a wonderful crafty life, regard Jen Moore
Tonya L Krout
Just what I was searching for for a baby quilt for my new great-nephew due in February. I wouldn’t be surprised if my niece and her husband named him Hans Solo. I’m leaning toward Boba Fett.
I probably have enough of these fabrics in my stash to start after the holiday projects are finished.
Thanks so much for sharing this!
Happy Quilting!
Thank you for sharing the fantastic Darth Vader pattern. I’ve made one for Quilts4Kids, which provides quilts free of charge to sick kids staying in our local regional hospital (northern New South Wales, Australia). I’m sure someone is going to light up when they receive this as a get well wish. Thank you for your generosity in sharing. A link to my finished quilt is: http://wollongbarquilts.blogspot.com/2020/05/quilt-110-darth.html