Free Patterns sewing for girls

The Color Block Dress {Free PDF Pattern 12m-6Y}

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  1. jackie

    Too cute. I can't wait to make one for my girl. Thanks for sharing you talent and skills, and patterns.

  2. @lliE

    Cute, cute!! Great job with this one. I bet your daughter loves it!

  3. CBH

    Thank you so much for this post. I want to let you know that I posted a link to your blog in <a href="; rel="nofollow">Creative Busy Bee Craft Inspirations</a>, under the <b>Page 1</b> post on Sep. 13, 2012. Thanks again.

  4. Straight Grain

    So cute; I love the little pleats in the sleeves!

  5. Heidi

    Such a cute dress! Thank you!

  6. Chelli

    Thank you for the pattern! Will have to quit avoiding zippers….

  7. Kikita ♥

    This is so cute! I&#39;m going to do it foy my ABBY too…<br /><br />Thanks for this pattern.<br />

  8. Lil' Liza Lou

    At least my Little Loo isn&#39;t the only one who is a pill about pictures sometimes…

  9. Emily

    Thank you so much!!! So I just picked up a set of purple bedsheets to potentially use for our Christmas pictures (they were 80% off!) and it just clicked that I must&#39;ve been inspired by this dress. Thank you for sharing the tutorial! I can&#39;t wait to try it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂

  10. Kimberly F

    Thank you so much for this! I want to go home and sew one up right now, it&#39;s so cute! Love the sleeves especially.

  11. Jessica at Me Sew Crazy

    Such cute details Shauna!!! I love the stripe along the bottom of the skirt, and the sleeves are fantastic! Well done, as always 🙂

  12. Tracy K.

    Thank you so much! The dress is beautiful and so is Abbey. The expressions on her face for the first few pics are cracking me up. She looks like she&#39;s saying &quot;like this mom? For real?&quot;

  13. Maria

    thanks for this wonderful tutorial and pattern!<br />

  14. Frances Suzanne

    Love the stark, contrasting fabric!! How do you ever keep the darker color from bleeding onto the white!?!?! We&#39;ve had some issues with this recently (even after multiple washings and setting with vinegar), and are looking for ANY ADVICE you might could give.

    1. Shauna@shwinandshwin

      So I prewash all fabrics before sewing with them, and I separate the colors for that wash. Then after that I just machine wash everything together (as in all of Abbey&#39;s clothes go in together) I always wash on cold water with a cold water detergent so I don&#39;t know if that makes a difference but I haven&#39;t found the cottons to bleed. I hope that helps!<br />

  15. Karin Marie

    Thank you for this pattern! You are so awesome for making it free! Pure Talent! It&#39;s so cute! I love it. I&#39;m going to try it out as my daughter&#39;s 1st Birthday Dress! I&#39;m super excited. I hope mines turns out as cute. 🙂

  16. Neldajay

    I like this tutorial for was very easy to follow. Thank you very much for sharing. I made one for my daughter and I couldn&#39;t finish it because I don&#39;t have a matching fabric to make the<br />~ Nelda

    1. zaragale93

      i like it too

  17. Becky

    I am struggling with the zipper insertion. I am at the point of putting the lining in and for some reason I can&#39;t get it right. I&#39;m so frustrated with it that my husband is picking out the seams because I because I&#39;m so angry with it.

    1. Amanda

      I think that’s the first step where I was stumped. The key is that the zipper must be unzipped.

  18. Tempest8008

    silly question.. did you shape the skirt on the dress the same way you did on the pattern for the skirt? I see that you cut it diagionally, and I&#39;m not sure if I am supposed to do the same for the dress skirt…. novice here 😉 <br />thanks!

  19. Kat @

    Just wanted to thank you for the great pattern!! I used it for my littlen&#39;s holiday dresses!!!<br /><br />Take a peek if you want!!

  20. Michelle

    merci beaucoup pour ce partage – je ferai peut-être un essai pour ma petite-fille

  21. Marisol Castaneda

    soooo…what is the seam allowance?

  22. Marisol Castaneda

    just wondering how I can post pics of the dresses I made using this pattern. I made 2.

  23. Lisa

    This is gorgeous. What kind of fabric did you use?

  24. Sharon

    Does the pattern include the 5/8″ seam allowance? Also is the skirt tapered by increasing the length of the color blocks? I can see the first is gathered and attached to the bodice. Thanks fro your help. Color Block Dress Pattern

    1. Shauna

      It includes a 3/8″ seam allowance. You don’t need to taper the skirt pieces they are just bathed to the bodice.

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