After making my kids quilts, I had a bit of a quilting bug. I get that from time to time. So I decided to go ahead and make my nieces and nephews quilts since I FINALLY have some of those! Two of my brothers had babies last year, and my SIL is about to have her first. So it’s great timing to make them all some quilts. For my niece, I found this super cute vintage Babar poster which inspired the quilt. I loved the vintage feel and I knew in some girly fabrics it would be perfect for my niece and her vintage loving mamma.

Instead of doing my standard super simple stitch some straight lines to quilt it, I got a little creative (AKA warded off complete boredom) by sewing lines in waves to mimic a breeze, and quilting the the hot air balloons and baskets. Not only was it fun to stitch in all different designs but it turned out so pretty and textured.
I did the grass in a pattern to mimic farm lands from the air. Which was great since it was wider stitches so it went quicker 🙂
This is one of my favorite quilts to date. Although I say that with each one, because I love them all. I just can’t stop making quilts.
The quilt is 45″X60″ (crib size)
You will need:
- Vintage Babar Inspired Quilt Pattern
- 2 Yards for backing
- crib size fusible batting
- 1 yard Light blue fabric for sky
- 3/4 yard green fabric for grass
- 1/4 yard grey fabric for mountains
- 1/2 yard tan fabric for sand
- 1/4 yard blue fabric for river
- Assorted scraps of fabric for Details (largest yardage needed is 1/2 yard for largest balloon)
- Freezer paper
- Pencil
- Iron
- Starch
Print the pattern and tape it together so you have the full size. I had to do this on the floor because it is large.
Then flip the pattern over because you want to trace the reverse. You can see the lines through the paper but you can also trace them so they are easier to see. Then place the freezer shiny side down and trace each piece (every section) on to freezer paper.
I traced everything except the sky and grass on to freezer paper since everything else is a cut out piece.
To make the pieces. Cut each pattern piece out. Then iron it on to the WRONG side of the fabric. (shiny side down) Then cut out around the pattern pieces leaving a good seam allowance amount.
Spray with starch and then press well so the seam allowance folds over around the paper.
Then for pieces like the hot air balloons I would layer and sew them individually before sewing them to the front of the quilt. To do that, remove the paper. Then place the pieces on top of each other and edge stitch as close to the edge as possible around each piece to secure it in place.
Then lay out the pattern down over the print out. I start by sewing the mountain, sand, water, and grass pieces all together by layering and edge sewing, so that I have a solid back ground. Then pin the balloons, elephant, basket, and words down and edge stitch all of them in place.
Then I add the backing and the batting sandwich it all together. I use fusible batting so I can iron all of the layers together and they don’t move while being quilted.
Once all of the quilting was done I rounded the corners (so it’s easier to bind) then I bound it with bias tape.
I love how the design shows through to the back, and that the whole thing was sewn ripple free with the fusible batting. I seriously love that stuff!
So much texture, I love it. Can’t wait to move on to the next one!

Els M
wow, one of the most beautiful quilts i’ve ever seen! Makes me wish i was you’re SIL too 🙂
Wow! This is something special. The quilting looks great. Really gives it movement and a lovely texture. Fantabulous job!
Wow, it’s beautiful! Babar was my favorite book when I was a child. I just love this quilt! You did such an amazing job!
I absolutly love this! I made my son one using the faux chanille method and my daughter sleeps with it every night. I’ve been trying to think up a design for her and this may be it. I love that you snuck the baby’s name on the quilt. This is adorable!
Frances Suzanne
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this!!! Our nieces are big fans of Babar {and Celeste}. This would be such a hit for them!!
you always have such gorgeous quilts and you make me want to make quilts! this one is so dreamy!
Your quilt turned out so adorable. The quilting looks fantastic. Did you use just one color of thread for the quilting?
I did just use white thread to quilt the whole thing. I thought about switching colors, especially for the grass but laziness won over since not switching meant I could sew any section I wanted to, and I would quilt the balloons while quilting the grass, stuff like that.
You stitching is beautiful! What machine do you use?
Molly P
This is beautiful! I’m making one for my future niece/nephew for my sister’s baby shower and I was wondering what you used for the “ropes” that attach the balloon baskets to the balloon itself? It looks like it might just be embroidery stitching in the one picture but I wanted to check if there might be another way you did it?
I just used a cross stitch from my machine, any fancy stitch or hand stitch would work.
Do you happen to know the name of the fabric that you used for the floral stripe on the large blue polka dot balloon towards the front? I have been trying to (unsuccessfully) locate the print…… I have looked at, literally, thousands – in person and on line.
I was able to figure out and locate the others (between 4 sources)…. yay!!
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
(And what great stuff you do!)
Love this quilt.
Baber was a favorite of all my children and my daughter just had a son.
Already made a Dino quilt but….
My daughter would love this. And we have the books in our basement.
Have to try it.
Your stuff is all so amazing!!! I’m going to try to make this quilt for my daughter. It’s only my second quilt ever, so no saying how it will go. Go big or go home, right? Also, might try the modern baby doll dress for my older daughter’s first day of school. Your instructions are great, but I do have one quick question. How do you attach the sand, mountains and water to the grass and sky? I was trying to figure out if I need one continuous piece for the mountain or if I could break it up since it falls behind the balloons in two places. Thanks so much!
Lindsay Roberson
Lovely design but I was unable to download the pattern, please can you advise. I did fill in all my personal details.
You should be able to log in to your account and download it from there, or if you completed the checkout process it should also be emailed to you.
Rhonda Crisp
I couldn’t find the patterns for the ballons, Babar, etc. How can I get these templates?
Click on the link for the free pattern, and then add the pattern to your cart, you will need to checkout before and the download link will be emailed to you.
Lindsay Roberson
Thank You. I did try that but I must have done it incorrectly the first time
Lindsay Roberson
I have entered my details twice but have not received the email for the pattern. Is there something else I should be doing? Thank you
If you click on “account” on the menu bar it will take you to your account page, click “downloads” and you can download the pattern from there. The pattern sent to you may be ending up in a spam folder.
Thank you. i got the Babar and Kitty quilts both. I can’t wait to make them.
Judy Laflin
LOVE it, great job!!