Abbey and I were watching Full House (as one does to remember the simple times) when Abbey turns to me and says “Ohhh I like Michelle’s shirt” I too like the shirt and said “well I can make that for you” So we did and it was easy, and you can make your own too.

Before we jump into the how, I just want to point out the irony of this shirt, and my daughter wanting one. So in the episode Stephanie is on a baseball team, (the giants as in SF giants, an actual baseball team) The whole family goes to the game to support Stephanie, as they do because times were simple back then and the whole family could always drop everything to be at one sporting event, but I digress. So there we have the whole family at the baseball game cheering on Stephanie, when out walks Michelle wearing a Giants tee. Albeit super cute, this would be the NY Giants, a football team. Now I am by no means a “sports girl” but I knew that much and chuckled. Abbey also not a sports girl did not even realize they weren’t the same team, or the same sport, or the same colors. She just liked the look and that’s all teens care about. Her dad is a Giants (football) fan so he was pleased with her choice.
All in all it got me thinking that you could make this simple tee hack to work for any team, any sport, any color you want. Which is why I am calling it a sports shirt.

To start I purchased 2 blank long sleeve tees. Then I cut them up. The white shirt which will be the top portion got cut across the bodice just under the arm hole. The sleeves also got cut. We wanted a short sleeve finish so I cut them 1″ longer than I wanted in the end so I had room to hem. For the blue I cut it at the same places, but saved the bottom of the bodice and the end of the sleeves. I also cut the arm bands from the sleeves just above where they were cut off.
Once everything is cut apart I just sewed it all back together. To get the faux layered look with the sleeves, I hemmed the white sleeve and then put the long sleeve inside and sewed it in place along the hem. For the logo I used my silhouette to cut the words and then ironed it on to the front of the tee. You could use another way to add the text or graphic, or even hand cut it. However I LOVE my silhouette I have had the same one for 10 years now and I use it ALL the time, so to me they are just worth having.
Links for what I use and love:
- Silhouette cutting machine
- Puff Vinyl *I use my cricut heat press but for puff I have the best results pressing on a wood slab so I can get a very firm press.
- Cricut heat press
- Blank Tee Shirts