The winner this week was Bert! I say woohoo! I really wanted to see him come up with something amazing since he worked with some amazing designers back in the day, and I loved his dress. From the very first moment his boxers were draped up on the dress form I knew I would love his dress. His styling I agree needs some work but he totally deserved the win I love this! Totally inspired me in so many ways!
The looser this week was Rafael. I have to say I am not sure his was the worst ever, but it was bad. The judges ripped him a new one for that necklace, I have never been a fan of bib necklaces. (which I guess are out according to the judges) but this one did throw the outfit off. I feel like he added it just to please Tim and he may have stayed ugly pants and all if he left the necklace out. The pants are just ill fitting which says a lot for these skinny little models that should be able to wear anything. Maybe a longer top would have helped?
Ok now for the I loved it. Anya created this look which was pretty great considering she just learned to sew a few months back. The top is pretty even though most of the details seemed to come from the night dress, but the pants? They blew me away they fit like I dream I love the color, the fit, the style. Who knew a white bed sheet could look so good. She did a great job with them!
Next up was Bryce. He was safe this week not in the top or bottom but for some reason his was one of my favorites on the runway. Everyone had really short skirts it seemed. (this one as well) However this one at least looked classy up and down the runway, and I loved that it was balanced with such a full and long sleeved top. I love the billowing sleeves, grey color, and peekaboo shoulder.
Lastly the What the Heck?? I mean really this wasn’t even the bottom two? My favorite is when Christina Ricci pointed out that she could have dyed the fabric or manipulated it somehow to look classy. I totally agree I mean My PJ’s would not be much better but come on what was Julie thinking with this? The pants where all weird at the waist almost like she safety pinned them on and the shirt is just awful. The other two in the bottom with her at least showed some creativity in the design.
So what did you think? Should we have a “make something out of our PJ” party? Where you inspired by any of the designs? Do you think they choose the right winner and looser?
Thanks for the recap. I like talking about the episodes too and my husband won't even watch it with me! I tried to talk to the ladies at work about it to and none were interested either. <br /><br />I agree with you on Bryce's design. Coming down the runway it was my favorite- it just looked so pretty and flowing. I am not really a fashion follower so I don't ever know what the judges
I can't believe Anya has only sewn for a few months. I wonder if she got lucky this week or what? Although her pants look great if you really look at them… look how low the crotch is. Isn't it kind of weird? Still, I liked her look best, and she seems genuinely sweet.
Bless by Tone
would love a make something from your PJ party
Jessica at Me Sew Crazy
So thankful someone is doing a PR rundown! I need someone to talk to about this, considering my husbands main comment is – 'you aren't going to make me watch that, are you?'<br /><br />Anya is blowing me out of the water – mainly because of what she can do with only a few months under her belt. I mean – really?!! I am struggling to believe her in all reality. At 3 – 4 months I was
Definitely wanted Burt to win! I think they cut the right person, but I think Julie should have been the bottom two. Becky is one of my faves. I am already working on an knockoff of that little short jacket of hers. Anya rocks, but I would have prefered the shirt to not show the tummy…I just think it's tacky no ma tter what your abs look like. I was really hoping they wouldn't let
I LOOOOOVE Project Runway….the seasons DEFINITELY need to be closer together!! I was SOO excited for it to start that I got myself all worked up a week to soon. You can imagine my disappointment when it wasn't on last when like I was hoping for!! Love the blog and the recap!
Refugee Crafter
I kept thinking the same thing about the pants looking safety-pinned too! Im wondering if Anya got lucky too, but i think she and her accent are adorable. Happy she's still in. Burt is so lovable. Glad he won. <br /><br />Actually, I really liked the black and white number. I'm surprised it didn't get more attention. Too safe? Not enough use of the pajama? Dunno. <br /><br />I thought